Associate Professor Angela Moewaka Barnes, MA, PhD.

Angela Moewaka Barnes (Te Kapotai, Ngapuhi-nui-tonu) is a researcher in Whariki. She has been involved in a range of research projects, including Maori access to cardiovascular services, cardiac rehabilitation and maternity care. Angela has a special interest in studies of film and mass media representations of Maori and indigenous people. Her doctoral thesis, Nga Kai Para i te Kahikatoa: Maori Filmmaking, Forging a Path (2011) , examined Maori filmmaking in Aotearoa, utilising kaupapa Maori, indigenous and media theory.



Moewaka Barnes, A., Borell, B., & McCreanor, T. (2023, June 27). Decolonising the news: 4 fundamental questions media can ask themselves when covering stories about Māori. The Conversation. 

McCreanor, T., Moewaka Barnes, A., Lyons, A., Goodwin, I., & Carah, N. (2023, April 4). How digital marketing of legal but harmful products escalates health threats to the most vulnerable. The Conversation. 

Journal Articles / Book Chapters

McCreanor, T., Moewaka Barnes, A., Goodwin, I., Carah, N., Young, J., Spicer, J., & Lyons, A. C. (2024). Alcohol marketing on social media: young people’s exposure, engagement and alcohol-related behaviors. Addiction Research & Theory, published online July 8, 1-11. doi:10.1080/16066359.2024.2373145 A635

Yan, R., Fox, R., Rapana, W. A., Waitoki, W., McCreanor, T., Moewaka Barnes, A., Taumoepeau, M., Winter, T.,  Riordan, B. C., Dirks, K. N., Philips, J. B., Hunter, J. A., Arahanga-Doyle, H., & Scarf, D. (2024).  Police Ten 7 feeds racial stereotypes of Māori and Pasifika peoples in Aotearoa New Zealand. New Zealand Journal of Psychology, 52(1), 41-46 A620

Lyons, A., Moewaka Barnes, A., Goodwin, I., Carah, N., Young, J., Spicer, J., & McCreanor, T. (2024). Exposure to digital vape marketing among young people in Aotearoa New Zealand. New Zealand Medical Journal, 137(1589), 20–38. A621

Moewaka Barnes, A., & McCreanor, T. (2023). “Feeding people's beliefs”: Mass media representations of Māori and criminality. In C. Cunneen, A. Deckert, A. Porter, J. Tauri, & R. Webb (Eds.), The Routledge International Handbook on Decolonizing Justice (pp. 22-32). London: Routledge.

Moewaka Barnes, A. (2023). Imagining resistance: Māori audiences resist trauma and reimagine representations in television dramas. Communication Research and Practice, published online 29 March, 1-14, doi:10.1080/22041451.2023.2188693 A577

Moewaka Barnes, A., & Moewaka Barnes, H. (2022). Māori in unexpected places; watching Māori on television. Sites, 19(1), 34-59. A571

Moewaka Barnes, A. (2023). Indigenising the screen: Te Tangata Whai Rawa o Wēniti—The Māori Merchant of Venice (2022). AlterNative: An International Journal of Indigenous Peoples, 19(1), 61-70. A572

Lyons, A. C., Goodwin, I., Carah, N., Young, J., Moewaka Barnes, A., & McCreanor, T. (2022). Limbic platform capitalism: Understanding the contemporary marketing of health-demoting products on social media. Addiction Research & Theory, 1-6. A561

McCreanor, T., Wetherell, M., McConville, A., Moewaka Barnes, H., & Moewaka Barnes, A. (2018). New Light: Friendly soil: Affective-discursive dimensions of Anzac day commemorations in Aotearoa New Zealand. Nations and Nationalism, published online 30 September, A451

Moewaka Barnes, A. (2018). Kia Manawanui: Kaupapa Māori film theoretical framework. MAI Journal, 7(1), 3-17. doi: 10.20507/MAIJournal.2018.7.1.1. A432

Nairn, R., Moewaka Barnes, A., & McCreanor, T. (2017). An archaeology of death notices: Unearthing the culture shaping death notices in Aotearoa New Zealand. Sites, 14(2), 168-191.

Moewaka Barnes, H., Gunn, T., Moewaka Barnes, A., Muriwai, E., Wetherall, M., McCreanor, T. (2017). Feeling and spirit: developing an indigenous wairua approach to research. Qualitative Research, published online 27 March. doi:10.1177/1468794117696031. A408

Rankine, J., Moewaka Barnes, A., Borell, B., Nairn, R., & McCreanor, T. (2014). Content and source analysis of newspaper items about Maori issues: Silencing the ‘natives’ in Aotearoa? Pacific Journalism Review, 20(1), 213-233. A350

Nairn, R., DeSouza, R., Moewaka Barnes, A., Rankine, J., Borell, B., & McCreanor, T. (2014). Nursing in media saturated societies: implications for cultural safety in nursing practice in Aotearoa New Zealand. Journal of Research in Nursing, 19, 477-487. A349

Moewaka Barnes, A., Taiapa, K., Borell, B., & McCreanor, T. (2013). Maori experiences and responses to racism in New Zealand. MAI Journal, 2(2), 63-77. A336

Abel, S., McCreanor, T., & Moewaka Barnes, A. (2012). Reporting te Tiriti: Producing and performing the colonial society. In M. Hirst, V. Rupar & S. Phelan (Eds.), Scooped: The politics and power of journalism in Aotearoa New Zealand Auckland: AUT Media.

Nairn, R., McCreanor, T., Moewaka Barnes, A., Borell, B., Rankine, J., & Gregory, A. (2012). “Maori news is bad news”: that’s certainly so on television. MAI Journal, 1(1), 38-49. A309

Moewaka Barnes, A., Borell, B., Taiapa, K., Rankine, J., Nairn, R., & McCreanor, T. (2012). Anti-Maori themes in New Zealand Journalism; toward alternative practice. Pacific Journalism Review, 18(1), 195-216. A304

McCreanor, T., McManus, A.-L., Moewaka Barnes, A., Rankine, J., Borell, B., & Nairn, R. (2011). Maori business news in the mass media. Sites: New Series, 8(2), 32-56. A335

Rankine, J., Moewaka Barnes, A., Borell, B., McCreanor, T., Nairn, R., & Gregory, A. (2011). Suburban Newspapers’ reporting of Māori news. Pacific Journalism Review, 17(2), 50-71. A297

Nairn, R., Moewaka Barnes, A., Rankine, J., Borell, B., Abel, S., & McCreanor, T. (2011). Mass Media in Aotearoa: An Obstacle to Cultural Competence. New Zealand Journal of Psychology, 40(3), 168-175. A296

Gregory, M., Borell, B., McCreanor, T., Moewaka Barnes, A., Nairn, R., Rankine, J., Abel, S., Taiapa, K., Kaiwai, H. (2011). Reading news about Maori: responses from non-Maori audiences. AlterNative, 7(1). 51-64. [Abstract] A280

McCreanor, T., Rankine, J., Moewaka Barnes, A., Borell, B., Nairn, R., Gregory, M., Kaiwai, H. (2010). Maori sport and Maori in sport: mass media representations and Pakeha discourse. Alternative, 6(3). 235-247. [Abstract] A266

Rankine, J., Moewaka Barnes, A., Borell, B., Nairn, R., McCreanor, T., & Gregory, A. (2009). Intentional use of te reo Maori in New Zealand newspapers in 2007. Pacific Journalism Review, 15(2). 174-190. 



Rankine, J., Nairn, R., Moewaka Barnes, A., Gregory, M., Kaiwai, H., Borell, B., & . McCreanor, T., (2008). Media & Te Tiriti Waitangi 2007. Tamaki Makaurau/Auckland: Kupu Taea: Media and Te Tiriti Project

Moewaka Barnes, A., Gregory, M., McCreanor, T., Nairn, R., Pega, F., & Rankine, J. (2005). Media and Te Tiriti o Waitangi 2004. Auckland: Kupu Taea