Emerald Muriwai McPhee, BA(Hons), MSc.
Emerald (Ngati Ira, Ngai Tamahaua, Whakatohea) is a researcher at Te Ropu Whariki. Emerald has a background in indigenous and social psychologies focusing on cultural identity, psychological distress, resilience, smoking behaviour, alcohol consumption, health service provision and exercise prescription. She has taught in social psychology and critical gender psychology. She is currently working on qualitative and quantitative Māori health and identity projects as well as some evaluation work.
Email: e.mcphee@massey.ac.nz
Journal articles
Moewaka Barnes, H., Gunn, T. R., Moewaka Barnes, A., Muriwai, E., Wetherell, M., & McCreanor, T. (2017). Feeling and spirit: developing an indigenous wairua approach to research. Qualitative Research, 17(3), 313-325. A408
Greaves, L., Manuela, S., Muriwai, E., Cowie, L., Lindsay, C., Matika, C., ... & Sibley, C. (2017). The Multidimensional Model of Maori Identity and Cultural Engagement: Measurement Equivalence across Diverse Māori Groups. New Zealand Journal of Psychology, 46(1), 24-35.
Muriwai, E., Houkamau, C.A., & Sibley, C.G. (2016). Looking Like A Smoker: A Smokescreen to Racism? Maori Perceived Appearance Predicts Smoking Status. Ethnicity and Health.
Muriwai, E & Glover, M. (2016). Smoking, Not Our Tikanga: Exploring Representations of Maori and Smoking in National Media. MAI Journal, 5(1), 34-47.
Muriwai, E, Houkamau, C & Sibley, C. G. (2015). Culture as Cure? The Protective Function of Maori Cultural Efficacy on Psychological Distress. New Zealand Journal of Psychology, 4(2), 14-24
Book Chapters
McCreanor, T., Muriwai, E., Wetherell, M., Moewaka Barnes, H., & Moewaka Barnes, A. (2017). Doing Affect Around National Days: Mundane/Banal Practice or the Call of ‘Another Space’? In M. Skey & M. Antonsich (Eds.), Everyday Nationhood Theorising Culture, Identity and Belonging after Banal Nationalism. London: Palgrave Macmillan.