Journal Articles
Huckle, T., Moewaka Barnes, H., & Romeo, J. S. (2024). Estimating the alcohol-related burden of child maltreatment among Māori in Aotearoa, New Zealand. Drug and Alcohol Review, published online 21 July A631
Taiapa, K., Moewaka Barnes, H., & Wright, S. (2024). Climate change and mātauranga Māori: making sense of a western environmental construct. Kōtuitui: New Zealand Journal of Social Sciences Online, 1-12. doi:10.1080/1177083X.2024.2350195 A632
Casswell, S., Huckle, T., Romeo, J. S., Moewaka Barnes, H., Connor, J., & Rehm, J. (2024). Quantifying alcohol-attributable disability-adjusted life years to others than the drinker in Aotearoa/New Zealand: A modelling study based on administrative data. Addiction, published online February 26, A625
Maessen, S. E., Taylor, B. J., Gillon, G., Moewaka Barnes, H., Firestone, R., Taylor, R. W., Milne, B., Hetrick, S., Cargo, T., McNeill, B., & Cutfield, W. (2023). A better start national science challenge: supporting the future wellbeing of our tamariki E tipu, e rea, mō ngā rā o tō ao: grow tender shoot for the days destined for you. Journal of the Royal Society of New Zealand, 53(5), 673-696. A612
Moewaka Barnes, A., & Moewaka Barnes, H. (2022). Māori in unexpected places; watching Māori on television. Sites, 19(1), 34-59. A571
Moewaka Barnes, H (2022). Rangahau rangatiratanga: Writing as a Māori scholar. New Zealand Sociology, Special Issue: When Mana Whenua and Mana Moana Make Knowledge; Hamilton, 37(1), 233-241.
Gunn, T. R., Moewaka Barnes, H., McCreanor, T. (2022). Wairua in memories and responses to Anzac Day. AlterNative, 18(1), 122-131. doi: 10.1177/11771801221084883. A563
Moewaka Barnes, H., Harmsworth, G., Tipa, G., Henwood, W., McCreanor, T. (2021). Indigenous-led environmental research in Aotearoa New Zealand: beyond a transdisciplinary model for best practice, empowerment and action. AlterNative, published online May 30, A527
Taiapa, K., McCreanor, T., & Moewaka Barnes, H. (2021). Mārakai as sites of ahi kaa and resistance. MAI Journal, 10(2), 148-158. A559
Taiapa, K., Moewaka Barnes, H., & McCreanor, T. (2021). Tension without tikanga: the damaging face of the treaty claims settlement system. AlterNative: An International Journal of Indigenous Peoples, 17(2), 317–325. A560
Kukutai, T., McIntosh, T., Moewaka Barnes, H., & McCreanor, T. (2020). Same inequities or engaged Te Tiriti partnership? MAI Journal, 9(4), 1-16. A509
McConville, A., Wetherell, M., McCreanor, T., Borell, B., & Moewaka Barnes, H. (2020). ‘Pissed Off and Confused’/‘Grateful and (Re)Moved’: Affect, Privilege and National Commemoration in Aotearoa New Zealand. Political Psychology, 41(1), 129-144. A508
Moewaka Barnes, H., & McCreanor, T. (2019). Colonisation, hauora and whenua in Aotearoa. Journal of the Royal Society of New Zealand, online, doi: 10.1080/03036758.03032019.01668439. Open access. A473
Henwood, W., Brockbank, T., Moewaka Barnes, H., Moriarty, E., Zammit, C., & McCreanor, T. (2019). Enhancing drinking water quality in remote Māori communities. MAI Journal, 8(2), 97-109. A484
Moewaka Barnes, H., Eich, E., & Yessilth, S. (2018). Colonization, whenua and capitalism: experiences from Aotearoa New Zealand. Continuum, 32(6), 685-697. A483
McCreanor, T., Wetherell, M., McConville, A., Moewaka Barnes, H., & Moewaka Barnes, A. (2018). New Light: Friendly soil: Affective-discursive dimensions of Anzac day commemorations in Aotearoa New Zealand. Nations and Nationalism, published online 30 September, A451
Borell, B., Moewaka Barnes, H., & McCreanor, T. (2018). Conceptualising Historical Privilege: the flip side of historical trauma, a brief examination. AlterNative, 14(1), 25-34. A427
Moewaka Barnes, H., Eich, E., & Yessilth, S. (2018). Colonization, whenua and capitalism: experiences from Aotearoa New Zealand. Continuum, 32(6), 685-697, doi: 610.1080/10304312.10302018.11525918.
Moewaka Barnes, H., Gunn, T., Moewaka Barnes, A., Muriwai, E., Wetherell, M., McCreanor, T. (2017). Feeling and spirit: developing an indigenous wairua approach to research. Qualitative Research, published online 27 March. doi:10.1177/1468794117696031. A408
Henwood, W., Moewaka Barnes, H., Brockbank, T., Gregory, W., Hooper, K., & McCreanor, T. (2016). Ko Tāngonge Te Wai: indigenous and technical data come together in restoration efforts. EcoHealth, Published online 21 October. DOI: 10.1007/s10393-10016-11170-10394. A394
Oliver, M., McPhee, J., Carroll, P., Ikeda, E., Mavoa, S., Mackay, L., Kearns, R., Kytta, M., Asiasiga, L., Garrett, N., Lin, J., Mackett, R., Zinn, C., Moewaka Barnes, H., Egli, V., Prendergast, K., & Witten, K. (2016). Neighbourhoods for Active Kids: Study protocol for a cross-sectional examination of neighbourhood features and children’s physical activity, active travel, independent mobility and body size. BMJ Open, 6, e013377. A392.
Goodwin, I., Griffin, C., Lyons, A., McCreanor, T., & Moewaka Barnes, H. (2016). Precarious popularity: Facebook drinking photos, the attention economy, and the regime of the branded self. Social Media + Society, 2(1). doi 10.1177/205630511662999998889. A376
Moewaka Barnes, H., McCreanor, T., Goodwin, I., Lyons, A., Griffin, C., & Hutton, F. (2015). Alcohol and social media: drinking and drunkenness while online. Critical Public Health, Published online: 26 Jun 2015, doi: 10.1080/09581596.09582015.01058921. A364
Wetherell, M., McCreanor, T., McConville, A., Moewaka Barnes, H., & le Grice, J. (2015). Settling space and covering the nation: Some conceptual considerations in analysing affect and discourse. Emotion, Space and Society, 16, 56-64. doi:10.1016/j.emospa.2015.07.005. A363
McCreanor, T., Lyons, A., Moewaka Barnes, H., Hutton, F., Goodwin, I., & Griffin, C. (2015). "Drink a twelve box before you go"*: Pre-loading among young people in Aotearoa New Zealand. Kotuitui, Published online: 09 Jun 2015. doi: 10.1080/1177083X.2015.1037314. A359
McConville, A., Wetherell, M., McCreanor, T., & Moewaka Barnes, H. (2014). 'Hostility won't deter me, says PM': The print media, the production of affect and Waitangi Day Sites: New Series, 11(2), 132-149. A356
McCreanor, T., Rankine, J., Moewaka Barnes, A., Borell, B., Nairn, R., & McManus, A.-L. (2014). The association of crime stories and Maori in Aotearoa New Zealand print media. Sites: New Series, 11(1), 121-144. DOI : A343
Moewaka Barnes, H., Borell, B., & McCreanor, T. (2014). Theorising the structural dynamics of ethnic privilege in Aotearoa: Unpacking "this breeze at my back". International Journal of Critical Indigenous Studies, 7(1). A341
McCreanor, T., Lyons, A., Griffin, C., Moewaka Barnes, H., Hutton, F. (2013) Youth drinking cultures, social networking and alcohol marketing: Implications for public health. Critical Public Health, 23(1), 110-120. A314
McGavock, Z., Moewaka Barnes, H., & McCreanor, T. (2012). Maori and pain. AlterNative, 8(2), 163-175 A309
Penney, L., Moewaka Barnes, H., & McCreanor, T. (2011). The Blame Game: Constructions of Maori medical compliance. AlterNative: an international journal of indigenous scholarship, 7(2), 73-86. A298
Oliver, M., Witten, K., Kearns, R., Mavoa, S., Badland, H., Carroll, P., . . . Ergler, C. (2011). Kids in the city study: research design and methodology. BMC Public Health, 11(587). A284
Kerr, S., Penney, L., Moewaka Barnes, H., McCreanor T. (2010). Kaupapa Maori Action Research to improve heart disease services in Aotearoa, New Zealand. Ethnicity and Health, 15. 15-31. [Abstract] A249
McCreanor, T., Rankine, J., Moewaka Barnes, A., Borell, B., Nairn, R., Gregory, M., Kaiwai, H. (2010). Maori sport and Maori in sport: mass media representations and Pakeha discourse. Alternative, 6(3). 235-247. [Abstract] A266
Borell, B., Gregory, A., McCreanor, T., Jensen, V., & Moewaka Barnes, H. (2009). 'It's hard at the top but it's a whole lot easier than being at the bottom': The role of privilege in understanding disparities in Aotearoa/New Zealand. Race/Ethnicity, 3. 29-50. [Abstract] A250
Kearns R, Moewaka-Barnes H, McCreanor T (2009). Placing racism in public health: a perspective from Aotearoa/New Zealand. GeoJournal, 74. 123-129. [Full text, PDF] A248
Nairn, R., McCreanor, T., Rankine, J., Moewaka Barnes, A., Pega, F., & Gregory, A. (2009). 'Media surveillance of the natives': A New Zealand case study -- Lake Taupo air space. Pacific Journalism Review, 15(1). 131-148. [Abstract]
Rankine, J., Moewaka Barnes, A., Borell, B., Nairn, R., McCreanor, T., & Gregory, A. (2009). Intentional use of te reo Maori in New Zealand newspapers in 2007. Pacific Journalism Review, 15(2). 174-190. [Abstract]
McCreanor, T., Moewaka Barnes, H., Kaiwai, H., Borell, S. & Gregory, A. (2008). Creating intoxigenic environments: Marketing alcohol to young people in Aotearoa. New Zealand Social Science & Medicine, 67. 938-946. [Abstract] A218
Moewaka Barnes, H., McCreanor, T. & Huakau, J. (2008). Maori and the New Zealand Values Survey: the importance of research relationships. Kotuitui: New Zealand Journal of Social Sciences Online, 3. 135-147. [Full text] A228
Edwards, S., McCreanor, T., Moewaka Barnes, H. (2007). Maori family culture: a context of youth development in Counties/Manukau. Kotuitui: New Zealand Journal of Social Sciences Online, 2. 1-15. [Full text] A201
McCreanor, T., Penney, L., Jensen, V., Witten, K., Kearns, R., Moewaka Barnes, H. (2006). 'This is like my comfort zone': Senses of place and belonging within Oruamo / Beachhaven New Zealand. New Zealand Geographer, 62. 196-207. [Abstract] A191
Moewaka Barnes, H. (2006). Transforming Science: How Our Structures Limit Innovation. Social Policy Journal of New Zealand, 29. 1-16. [Full text] A193
McCreanor, T., Greenaway, A., Moewaka Barnes, H., Borell, S., Gregory, A. (2005). Youth identity formation and contemporary alcohol marketing. Critical Public Health, 15. 251-262. [Full text]A181
McCreanor, T., Moewaka Barnes H., Gregory, M., Kaiwai, H., Borell, S. (2005). Consuming identities: alcohol marketing and the commodification of youth experience. Addiction Research and Theory, 13. 579-590. [Abstract] A178
Wilkins, C., Casswell, S., Moewaka Barnes, H. & Pledger, M. (2003). A pilot study of a computer-assisted cell-phone interview (CACI) methodology to survey respondents in households without telephones about alcohol use. Drug and Alcohol Review, 22. 221-225. [Abstract] A151
Anae, M., Moewaka Barnes, H., McCreanor, T., Watson, P. (2002). Towards promoting youth mental health in Aotearoa/New Zealand: Holistic 'houses' of health. International Journal of Mental Health Promotion, 4. 5-14. [Abstract] A138
Moewaka Barnes, H. (2000). Collaboration in community action: a successful partnership between indigenous communities and researchers. Health Promotion International, 15. 17-25. [Full text, PDF] A117
Moewaka Barnes, H. (2000). Kaupapa Maori: explaining the ordinary. Pacific Health Dialog, 7. 13-17. [Full text, PDF] A134
Wyllie, A., Holibar, F., Casswell, S., Fuamatu, N, Aiolupatea, K., Moewaka Barnes, H., & Panapa, A. (1997). A qualitative investigation of responses to televised alcohol advertisements. Contemporary Drug Problems, 24. 103-132. A84
Chapters In Books
Lyons, A., McCreanor, T., Goodwin, I., & Moewaka Barnes, H. (2017). Introduction to youth drinking cultures in a digital world. In A. Lyons, T. McCreanor, I. Goodwin & H. Moewaka Barnes (Eds.), Youth Drinking Cultures in a Digital World. Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge.
Moewaka Barnes, H., Niland, P., Samu, L., Sciasia, A., & McCreanor, T. (2017). Ethnicity/culture, alcohol and social media. In A. Lyons, T. McCreanor, I. Goodwin & H. Moewaka Barnes (Eds.), Youth drinking cultures in a digital world (pp. 80-98). Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge. SB68
McCreanor, T., Moewaka Barnes, H., Lyons, A., & Goodwin, I. (2017). Digital alcohol marketing and the public good: industry, research and ethics. In A. Lyons, T. McCreanor, I. Goodwin & H. Moewaka Barnes (Eds.), Youth drinking cultures in a digital world (pp. 230-241). Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge. SB69
McCreanor, T., Muriwai, E., Wetherell, M., Moewaka Barnes, H., & Moewaka Barnes, A. (2017). Doing Affect Around National Days: Mundane/Banal Practice or the Call of ‘Another Space’? In M. Skey & M. Antonsich (Eds.), Everyday Nationhood Theorising Culture, Identity and Belonging after Banal Nationalism London: Palgrave Macmillan.
Moewaka Barnes, H. (2013). Better indigenous policies: an Aotearoa New Zealand perspective on the role of evaluation. In: Better Indigenous Indigenous Policies: the Role of Evaluation: Roundtable Proceedings. Canberra: Productivity Commission. SB57
Moewaka Barnes, H., Henwood, W., Kerr, S., McManus, V., & McCreanor, T. (2011). Knowledge Transfer and Indigenous Research. In E. Banister, B. Leadbeater & E. Marshall (Eds.), Knowledge Translation in Context: Indigenous, Policy, and Community Settings. Toronto: University of Toronto. SB50
Moewaka Barnes, H., Borell, B., Edwards, S. & McCreanor, T. (2009). Epistemological domination: Social science research ethics in Aotearoa. In Mertens, D. & Ginsberg, P. (Eds.), Handbook of Social Research Ethics (pp.442-457). Los Angeles: Sage. SB47
Moewaka Barnes, H. (2003). Maori and evaluation: some issues to consider. In Lunt, N., Davidson, C., McKegg, K. (Eds.), Evaluating Policy and Practice: A New Zealand Reader (pp.146-150). Auckland: Pearson Education New Zealand. SB36
Moewaka Barnes, H. and Tunks, M. (1996). Maori me te ikura roro: Maori and stroke. In Baskett, J.J. (Eds.), Life After Stroke: New Zealand Guidelines for Best Practice in Rehabilitation After Stroke. Wellington: Stroke Foundation New Zealand Inc. B2
Moewaka Barnes, H., Borell, S., & Taiapa, K. (2010). Te Hotu Manawa Maori Needs Assessment, Maori Community Nutrition and Physical Activity Workforce Support and Development Needs. Auckland: Whariki Research Group, SHORE and Whariki Research Center.
Kaiwai, H., Moewaka Barnes, H., Taiapa, K., & McCreanor, T. (2009). Evaluation of the Vodafone Foundation World of Difference Projects. Auckland: Centre for Social and Health Outcomes Research and Evaluation & Te Ropu Whariki, Massey University, Auckland.
Moewaka Barnes, H. and Te Ropu Whariki (2009). The evaluation hikoi: A Maori overview of programme evaluation . Auckland: Te Ropu Whariki, Massey University.
Rankine, J., Nairn, R., Moewaka Barnes, A., Gregory, M., Kaiwai, H., Borell, B., & . McCreanor, T., (2007). Media and Te Tiriti o Waitangi. Auckland: Kupu Taea.
Penney, L., McCreanor, T.and Moewaka Barnes, H. (2006). New Perspectives on Heart Disease Management in Te Tai Tokerau. Maori and Health Practitioners Talk: Final Report.
Moewaka Barnes, A., Gregory, M., McCreanor, T., Nairn, R., Pega, F., & Rankine, J. (2005). Media and Te Tiriti o Waitangi. Auckland: Kupu Taea.
Milne, S., Conway, K., Greenaway, A., Henwood, W., Duignan, P., Asiasiga, L., Moewaka Barnes, H. (2004). Community Project Indicators Framework - Trial and Evaluation: Final Report to the Ministry of Health. June. Centre for Social and Health Outcomes Research and Evaluation & Te Ropu Whariki, Massey University, Auckland.
Moewaka Barnes, H., McPherson, M., Bhatta, K. (2003). Te Ao Waipiro: Maori National Alcohol Survey. Te Ropu Whariki and Centre for Social and Health Outcomes Research and Evaluation, Massey University, Auckland (This research was carried out by the authors at the Whariki Research Group & the Alcohol & Public Health Research Unit, University of Auckland and completed at Te Ropu Whariki and Centre for Social and Health Outcomes Research and Evaluation, Massey University, Auckland).
Barrett-Ohia, O., Moewaka Barnes, H. (2001). Tu Tangata Evaluation: School Survey Report. 34pp, May. Auckland: Alcohol & Public Health Research Unit. D163
Moewaka Barnes, H, Barrett-Ohia, O. (2001). Tu Tangata Evaluation: School In-depth Report. 81pp, December, Auckland: Alcohol & Public Health Research Unit. D164
Moewaka Barnes, H. (2001). Tu Tangata Evaluation: Literature Review. 37pp, May. Auckland: Alcohol & Public Health Research Unit. D162
Moewaka Barnes, H., Barrett-Ohia, O. (2001). Tu Tangata Evaluation: Overall Report. 30pp, December, Auckland: Alcohol & Public Health Research Unit. D165
Moewaka Barnes, H., Barrett-Ohia, Orewa (2001). Tu Tangata Evaluation: A report examining the use of quantifiable impacts. 41pp, May. Auckland: Alcohol & Public Health Research Unit. D161
Dacey, B., Moewaka Barnes, H. (2000). Te Ao Taru Kino: Drug Use Among Maori, 1998. March. Alcohol & Public Health Research Unit: University of Auckland. C17
Dacey, B., Moewaka Barnes, H. (2000). Te Ao Taru Kino: Drug Use Among Maori, 1998, March. Alcohol & Public Health Research Unit: University of Auckland. C17
Moewaka Barnes, H. and Stanley, P. (1999). Kia Mau te Mana. In: Community Action to Prevent Alcohol Problems. Copenhagen: WHO Regional Office for Europe. B26
Moewaka Barnes, H. (1999). Maori drink drive programme evaluation: from a Maori perspective. In: Kettil Bruun Society Thematic Meeting: 4th Symposium on Community Action Research and the Prevention of Alcohol and Other Drug Problems. Auckland: Alcohol & Public Health Research Unit. B30
McCreanor, T., Moewaka Barnes, H., Mathews, T. (1998). Limited Impact Evaluation for the Waikato Rural Drink Drive Project. December. Auckland: Alcohol & Public Health Research Unit. D153
Moewaka Barnes, H., Tunks, M., Dacey, B., Cassidy, T., Whariki (1998). Kai Oranga Tinana Mo Waipareira Outcome Evaluation Report. May 1998. Auckland: Whariki / Alcohol & Public Health Research Unit. D149
Moewaka Barnes, H., Tunks, M., Dacey, B., Hallmond, H., Whariki (1998). Te Pataka o Te Tai Tokerau Outcome Evaluation Report May 1998. Auckland: Whariki / Alcohol & Public Health Research Unit. D147
Moewaka Barnes, H., Tunks, M., Dacey, B., Pardoe-Ropata, J., Whariki (1998). Te Taro o Te Ora Outcome Evaluation Report May 1998. Auckland: Whariki / Alcohol & Public Health Research Unit. D150
Moewaka Barnes, H., Casswell, S., Compain, T., Waa, A., Spinola, C., Stanley, P., Stewart, L., Webb, R. and Wyllie, A. (1996). Uru Atu: Community Action to Reduce Alcohol Related Traffic Injury Among Maori: Process/Impact Evaluation Report on WHANAU/Tu BADD. 99pp, August. Auckland: Alcohol and Public Health Research Unit. D127
Moewaka Barnes, H., Casswell, S., Compain, T., Waa, A., Spinola, C., Stanley, P., Stewart, L., Webb, R. and Wyllie, A.. (1996). Te Tipu Ora: Community Action to Reduce Alcohol Related Traffic Injury Among Maori: Process/Impact Evaluation Report on WHIRIWHIRI TE ORA. 115pp, August. Auckland: Alcohol and Public Health Research Unit. D128
Webb, R., Wyllie, A., Moewaka Barnes, H. (1996). Monitoring Host Responsibility Practices in Drinking Locations in Western and Southern Auckland. October. Auckland: Alcohol & Public Health Research Unit. D130
Moewaka Barnes, H. (1995). Whakawatea: Community Action to Reduce Alcohol Related Traffic Injury Among Maori: A Collaborative Project. Report No.5. 20pp plus appendices, November. Auckland: Alcohol & Public Health Research Unit. D120
Holibar, F., Wyllie, A., Moewaka Barnes, H., Fuamatu, N., Aioluputea, K., Casswell, S. (1994). Response of Children and Young Persons to Alcohol and Host Responsibility Advertising on Television: A Qualitative Investigation. 164pp plus appendices, April. Auckland: Alcohol & Public Health Research Unit. D81
Moewaka Barnes, H. (1994). Evaluation of Te Roopu Tautoko Whanau Support & Education in Waikato. 22pp plus appendices, December. Auckland: Alcohol & Public Health Research Unit. D103
Pipi, K., Moewaka Barnes, H., Spinola, C. (1994). Te Kai O Te Hauora - Healthy Lifestyles: Focus on Food and Nutrition Project Evaluation. 40pp plus appendices. November. Auckland: Alcohol & Public Health Research Unit. D102