Wendy Henwood, BA.
Wendy (Iwi: Te Rarawa, Hapu: Ngai Tupoto) lives and works from home in the Hokianga. She has a background in community health and development, and research and formative/process evaluation of community public health and community development type programmes. She also is provides evaluation and planning training with community providers in the north. Wendy is actively involved with marae/hapu developments and iwi affairs. Recent research projects have included Te Mauri O Te U-kai-po: intergenerational experiences of environment and wellbeing of an iwi, and Interconnections: the links between whānau and marae in Te Rarawa. Recent evaluation projects have included Manaaki Manawa: a cardiac rehabilitation programme for Māori, and Taitamariki Tu Ora; a Sport Northland initiative to involve Māori youth in learning and physical activity through Mau Rakau and Hip Hop dance.
Email: w.a.henwood@massey.ac.nz
journal articles
Henwood, W., Moewaka Barnes, H., Brockbank, T., Gregory, W., Hooper, K., & McCreanor, T. (2016). Ko Tāngonge Te Wai: indigenous and technical data come together in restoration efforts.EcoHealth, Published online 21 October. DOI: 10.1007/s10393-10016-11170-10394. A394
Henwood, W., & Henwood, R. (2011). Manawhenua Kaitiakitanga in Action: Restoring the Mauri of Lake Omapere. AlterNative, 7(3), 220-232. A291
Henwood, W., Pirini, J., & Harris, A. (2010). He Korero Whanau o Te Rarawa MAI Review, 2010, 3.
Henwood, W. (2007). Maori knowledge: a key ingredient in nutrition and physical exercise health promotion programmes for Maori. Social Policy Journal of New Zealand, 32. 155-164. [Full text]A208
Milne, S., Greenaway, S., Conway, K., Henwood, W. (2007). What next? Sustaining a successful small-scale alcohol consumption harm minimization project. Substance Use and Misuse, 42. 1933-1944. [Abstract] A205
Conway, K., Tunks, M., Henwood, W. & Casswell, S. (2000). Te Whanau Cadillac -- A Waka for Change. Health Education & Behavior, 27. 339-350. [Abstract] A121